Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Chinese chop suey H directly to to hell ha ha! Or else all together go to hell! Regardless of future generations of people how to evaluate all people talked about the contents of the battle, Henry Morgan crazy because no one can deny his devil possessed the general fiercely stubborn to seek for the British valuable time. Zheng Nathan and Morgan entanglement gap Blake commanding the vanguard forces suddenly turned round and forward the implementation of the Sen-Fleet roundabout. the rapid collapse of the Third Squadron of the before and after the attack of the British army. looked around the three ships was the British hit After Shen, Sen extremely painful and helpless to make the decision of the whole army to retreat. this order finally letting him pay the cost of two warships before realized.
Fourteen years of Hong Wu (Western calendar in 1663) February 16, China Indian Ocean Squadron and the British main force encountered heavy fighting in Lakshadweep. Battle lasted nearly three hours. Huajun in five warships in the battle was sunk, and another three ships sustained serious injuries which Sen's flagship Quanzhou due to severely damaged and sank after barely arrived in Port Carl Carter. the British aspects of this war is only the loss of two ships, and five warships by creators face of such a disparity in victories, the British natural is triumphant, but as a hero, one of the Henry Morgan, but then his boss veiled criticism in his opinion, Black was no need to abandon for the so-called dogma on China the pursuit of the fleet. his stupid decision,north face book bags, for the British fleet to kill all the way up the remnants of China warships eat completely. However Black has all along maintained a silence as if the British troops this time does not accounting for what the cheap in general.
Created in Huajun best record a year later, so Sen also created the history of the Huajun the worst defeat. Aden before the news but did not like the war as like long wings to fly back to the general local because such victories is really hard to tell the Secretary for India's colonial officials.
As India's business ever since learning of the news of defeat by the Lakshadweep Yang Xin Rong has been sitting in the armchair and so muttering. Watching ants on him this wok aside Zhao Chengzhi help frowned. Zheng Sen Lakshadweep defeat of course,nfl tom brady jersey, heartbreaking, but still not to the point of true onyx mourning. indeed some could not stand it, he could not help but immediately to the other wide sound comfort: This lost battle, everyone is familiar commonplace. Moreover, this war has not hurt the bones of our military. After all, Zheng prefect is a sub-fleet against Yingyi the main if the adults in the Merchant Shipping The future of security concerns. to that large can Xiushuyifeng the Shi general Bingming or from the Bay of Bengal troop movements to strengthen the guard of the past merchant. Yang Xin Rong did not put these persuade listen, is still a frown Kugua Lian Seeing the situation side seat's first top of the Gong Zixuan help product of a kung fu tea Zhao Chengzhi smiled and said: I do not know. Young business to worry about now is not right outside of the Merchant Shipping. but how to be accountable to the Central Plains.

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