Sunday, January 13, 2013

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Decapitated fate that shock waves and noise near the horses was extremely frightened difficult to control, the Tatars of assault battle finally chaotic offensive hindered want and then rushed up may not be so easy. "Grenade easy to use ah ... "Qi Jing heart to myself, but the grenade manufacturing more difficult, a limited number the God pivot camp every soldier who wear the grenade, but two Once depleted, alone guns may be difficult to fight Tatars assault. Qi King did not hesitate, he ordered the outgoing flag order, their wings suddenly popped two Biao Cavalry lead is home tigers tigers and tigers, they led a temporary conscripted to cavalry from the wings to the onslaught gun array Tartars rushed cavalry is formed on an ad hoc basis, but their formation is quite neat, body equipment unambiguous, elite level is far better than the vast majority of David soldiers. outflank while the two wings cavalry soon we and separately walked up to the Tartar cavalry hit a flying Daoguang blood surging, are both intrepid soldiers, and sometimes killing inextricably linked. quiet for a burst of gunfire boring again sounded, Suoming ferroelastic rained most intensive in the Tartar army, terrible 'tenrai' re Cheng Wei, fried Tatars flesh swirling Guikulanghao the most terrible not to be killed, but do not know when Gold family,Toronto Raptors Jerseys, descendants of the day Ray hit firm, the world's strongest cavalry deeply felt the fear of death. mining Liangshan on the battlefield seems to be forgotten, their guns and grenades have been out of reach far bypassing the enemy, but the mountain cannon still roaring, gunner Jinzun the imperial adults will make a gold shells to the place where most of the enemy banner, sometimes the target distance is too far away, they will try to raise the muzzle lob the shells are far in the past, not floor it often bomb exploded, the divergent scatter shrapnel wrecked following a crying father Jiaoniang gloat but elated in the mountains, they are enjoying themselves, paragraph flying heralds: "guys do not play, all in addition to gunner packed his things, ready to parade down the mountain!" hear the command, everyone rushed to close photo mind, packed his things, ready to downhill, Jiang hui follow in the segment flying around, nothing good preparation He looked at the foot of the form, surprised and said: "Your honor, now Tatars Although losses, but has not been exposed to the defeat like, we are not planning Tatars defeated and retreat when downhill chase it?" paragraph fly banner up and leisurely said: "You have not seen this? Tatars have long mood battles, since red is not the past, the only way out is to make a U-turn, the most important Yamashita also establish a lot less lost leader pack of wolves but a flock of sheep estimated again after a shelling Tatars necessary comprehensive defeat, when you prepare down, I'm afraid even root hairs are picking up less than. "paragraph fly, condescending clearly under heavy shelling, Tatars brink of collapse edge, then soldiers becomes fear of fear, in the face of the forces will be hard to resist, only the last recalcitrant their offensive now, the big bang and then to decline and thrice When they found that in any case not washed open the Ming army surrounded horrible explosion continuous, crashes just a matter of time only. fact fly than the segment is expected to even faster occurred

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